In times of change, work thrives when trust, respect and partnership are fostered, leading to the cooperative creation of something new and better.

  • We see the diversity of people, their individual experiences and cultures as foundational components to any processes designed to further their development.

  • Measures and interventions build on process-oriented learning through experience.

  • Special attention is paid to the development of individual strengths.

  • We recognize the whole person and so our development objectives encompass social and personal skills as well as methodological ones.

  • Intuitive perception is a key source of information for reliable decision-making.

  • Growth is made manifest by helping our clients internalize development goals, be empowered to trust their experience and try out practical solutions in their own work environments – enabling them to cooperate successfully without the help of advisers.

Questioning one’s own models, inner attitudes, as well as reflecting on one’s own viewpoints characterizes our attitude toward work. This in particular, includes:

  • closely observing and listening as the primary act of appreciation that makes respectful cooperation possible;

  • clear communication through an I-message or I-statement and at the same time the courage also to ask awkward questions;

  • taking things less personally, because what other people say or do has less to do with you than with them, and is predominantly a projection of their own reality. Others’ actions and opinions are capable of triggering upset or offense. This does not necessarily bear any relation to their original intention. This awareness enables you to limit misconceptions and react carefully; choosing your words well and thus avoiding unnecessary conflicts.

Our training and development practices are consistent with essential insights coming from the latest research findings in neuroscience:

  • Experiences that elicit emotion leave their mark on the brain and decisively influence our learning performance. Emotions lend meaning to content and determine whether we feel comfortable pursuing an issue.

  • New information is absorbed if it is important, desirable (useful) and accompanied by emotion. The topic must be significant. The principle of “first the big picture, then the details” makes it easier for our brain to slot the information into a greater whole.

  • Curiosity is stimulated by the unexpected, the exciting and the challenging. Curiosity triggers the motivation to try something different. When this happens from an individual’s internal sense of responsibility and self-determination, a person experiences a sense of his or her own effectiveness. This positive feeling strongly reinforces a person’s capacity to act.

  • Exercises that prompt participants to leave their comfort zones foster personal growth and development. Learning happens at the boundary of the unknown, when we move beyond established models and set routines, trying out new ways of thinking and doing.

  • Falling back on training is easier when the mood created in the learning environment is similar to the one in the real setting. We establish learning contexts that replicate the “feel” of participants’ job tasks, while allowing space for appropriate expression of emotion. This facilitates the greatest amount of transfer learning possible, so that what happens in sessions can be more readily applied to people’s everyday work.

  • Every brain has its own unique history of formative experiences. This acts a filter that colors and adds meaning to new experiences. Building on this, we offer experiential opportunities that link personal experiences to new insights. We make room for continuous retrospective appraisals and reflection – necessary elements to cement connections between what is significant from one’s past to current learning, making a more successful future.